Référence 2776_FWF
Langue Anglais
Méthodes Visioconférence e-Learning
NB heures (Visio) 10 H
Durée (e-Learning) 6 mois
Prix TTC 1068.00 €
  • Identifier et utiliser un vocabulaire adapté au contexte
  • Utiliser les principales structures grammaticales nécessaires pour construire des phrases cohérentes et de complexité variée
  • Comprendre un court texte et en dégager le sens global et des détails spécifiques
  • Comprendre un énoncé, des instructions ou les questions d'un interlocuteur
  • Communiquer en situation socioprofessionnelle, professionnelle ou spécifique à son activité en employant les expressions adaptées
  • Tenir une discussion sur un sujet professionnel
  • Communiquer de façon naturelle et développer l'interaction orale
  • Se faire comprendre avec une prononciation claire
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Certification incluse
Équipe dédiée disponible tout au long de votre formation
Certification CLOE Anglais RS6435
Les certifications CLOE mesurent le niveau de maîtrise de la langue à l’écrit et à l’oral et ont été créés pour répondre à un besoin croissant de reconnaissance de l’ensemble des compétences linguistiques dans divers contextes professionnels. Depuis leur création, les Certifications CLOE sont devenues un référentiel clé pour évaluer et valider les compétences linguistiques des individus, facilitant ainsi leur réussite professionnelle.
Plus d'informations sur
Pour toute formation financée par le CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation) la passation de la Certification CLOE est obligatoire.

À la fin de votre parcours de formation, vous passez la certification CLOÉ Compétences Linguistiques Orales & Écrites - Anglais (en autonomie / à distance) et vous pouvez situer votre niveau sur le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues (CECRL).
Parcours de formation
First Lesson
This is the first lesson with your trainer! The goal in this lesson is to go over your needs and get to know one another.
30 min
I have been to ...
This lesson covers the present perfect of the verb be.
60 min
Question words
In this lesson you will practise asking questions with the words who, why, where, when, whose, etc. The worksheet assumes a basic knowledge of the present simple, present continuous and past simple.
60 min
Next week
You will learn the structure going to + infinitive for talking about the future. The lesson plan includes a listening activity.
60 min
Is this yours?
In this lesson you will learn how to use possessive pronouns. To help you practise the target language there are speaking and text-based activities, plus a picture activity on everyday objects that people own. You will also learn the difference between possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives.
60 min
Possessive adjectives
In this lesson you will learn the possessive adjectives my, your, his, her its, our, your, and their.
60 min
Numbers and the verb 'to be'
This class focuses on helping learners understand how to say and use numbers in English. This looks at basic numbers such 1-10 and also larger numbers such as 20s 50s 80s etc. We also have the present simple with ‘be’ to say things like it is and I am.
60 min
Basic Tasks in the Past
This class works on a combination of grammar and vocabulary. For vocabulary, it looks at the verbs we use with particular tasks and for grammar it works on the past simple. It provides some fundamental building blocks in language development to talk about everyday activities.
60 min
Telling the time
Time can be a difficult stumbling block for learners but is a very practical and useful language tool. This unit helps learners discuss routines and appointments using accurate time based language.
60 min
Years and numbers are often confused. So, this unit will teach learners the difference between numbers in the thousands and years. This will allow them to talk about key actions and events in the past and/or future.
60 min
Post Training Assessment
This is the final lesson of your training program. You will discuss your achievements, the progress you have made and look at points that you could work on in the future.
30 min
First Lesson
This is the first lesson with your trainer! The goal in this lesson is to go over your needs and get to know one another.
30 min
Making and taking calls
The telephone is one of the most important means of communication in an office. Learning the right thing to say when you make and receive phone calls should be a priority.
60 min
Taking and leaving messages
Most people become flustered when asked to leave a message with another person or on voicemail. It takes some skill and practice to be able to effectively take and leave messages on the phone.
60 min
Setting an appointment
Setting an appointment is a very important skill in the corporate world. In this lesson, you will learn the basic expressions you need to master to be able to set an appointment over the telephone.
60 min
Making enquiries
It’s important to know how to make enquiries on the phone. In this lesson, you will learn the proper way of asking questions in English.
60 min
Following up requests and orders
After making a call to request or order something over the phone, you still need to follow it up by calling again. Learn the right expressions and vocabulary to be able to perform this activity.
60 min
Requesting for and clarifying information
It is sometimes hard to understand each other on the phone. For this reason, you need to know how to request and clarify information.
60 min
The workplace
In this lesson you will learn how to describe different places of work as well as common collocations for typical work tasks. The lesson assumes prior of knowledge of the present simple and expressions of frequency.
60 min
Talking about project stages
The various stages of a project may need to be discussed especially during meetings. You have to be equipped with the right expressions to do this task in English.
60 min
Updating colleagues on a project
When you are asked about the status of the project, you need to give updates on how the project is doing. What is the best way to do this? What expressions and grammatical structures should you use to be able to perform this task well? This lesson will delve into that.
60 min
Post Training Assessment
This is the final lesson of your training program. You will discuss your achievements, the progress you have made and look at points that you could work on in the future.
30 min
First Lesson
This is the first lesson with your trainer! The goal in this lesson is to go over your needs and get to know one another.
30 min
In this lesson you will learn how to talk about your families using vocabulary for family members and possessives. Basic questions for requesting information about people are also reviewed in the lesson.
60 min
I can drive
In this lesson you will learn how to talk about ability using the modal verb can/can’t.
60 min
What’s the weather like?
This worksheet presents basic vocabulary for describing the weather. Talk about the weather in your country using adverbs of frequency.
60 min
Birthdays and parties
In this lesson you will learn and practice party vocabulary. There are activities on what you find at a party, what happens before a party plus an activity on birth dates to revise ordinal numbers and the future with ‘will + infinitive’.
60 min
At a Cafe
Going to a cafe is great fun and something many of us do every day or many times in a week, This class gives us vocabulary to know the names of things we encounter in a cafe. This includes food and drink items as well as the people we meet.
60 min
Places in town
This is a very practical class. It allows us to discuss the things that we might find around our town. This focuses on types of shops, services and landmarks such as cafes, markets and hospitals. It also uses the past simple so we can talk about what we did in our town yesterday.
60 min
Public transport
This class focuses on public transport. It teaches learners vocabulary for different types of transport as well as vocabulary for usage of such transport. It also brings in the grammar structure present simple.
60 min
At the supermarket
This class will helps learners navigate the supermarket using English. It introduces vocabulary for food and drink as well as for shopping. It also teaches the structure ‘Will’ to help learners discuss their shopping plans. For example, I will buy a chocolate cake.
60 min
Asking for and giving directions
In this unit learners will focus on vocabulary for asking for and giving directions. They will listen to a conversation between a tourist and a local. At the end of the lesson learners will be able to correctly use the prepositions of place.
60 min
Post Training Assessment
This is the final lesson of your training program. You will discuss your achievements, the progress you have made and look at points that you could work on in the future.
30 min
First Lesson
This is the first lesson with your trainer! The goal in this lesson is to go over your needs and get to know one another.
30 min
At home
In this lesson you will learn how to describe household chores and different rooms in their homes.
60 min
Bright ideas
In this lesson you will read about UK businessman Richard Branson's ideas. The worksheet includes a grammar exercise on defining relative clauses with 'who', 'which', 'that', 'whose' and 'where'.
60 min
Everyday expressions
In this short lesson you will learn 9 typical English social expressions.
60 min
Mobile phones - Cell phones
In this lesson you will learn useful words and phrases for talking about their mobile devices.
60 min
Money vocabulary
In this lesson you will learn and practise a variety of vocabulary related to money and value.
60 min
Coffee personality
In this well-rounded lesson you will read a short article on how people's coffee drinking preferences determine their personality traits. A number of adjectives for describing character are introduced, and comparative and superlative forms are studied in the grammar part of the lesson.
60 min
Informal emails
In this lesson you will learn how to write informal emails. The worksheet presents a variety of typical words and expressions used when greeting someone in an email, writing pleasantries, attaching files, etc.
60 min
Photo story
In this lesson you will listen to Kate talking about her Facebook photos and study the past continuous tense.
60 min
In this lesson you will read a short article on the perception of British culture according to expats living in Britain. The passive voice is studied in the grammar part of the lesson.
60 min
Post Training Assessment
This is the final lesson of your training program. You will discuss your achievements, the progress you have made and look at points that you could work on in the future.
30 min
Discussion Lesson
The "Discussion lesson" is oriented towards oral expression and comprehension. The subjects can be defined before or during the lesson.
30 min
Discussion Lesson
The "Discussion lesson" is oriented towards oral expression and comprehension. The subjects can be defined before or during the lesson.
60 min
First Lesson
This is the first lesson with your trainer! The goal in this lesson is to go over your needs and get to know one another.
30 min
Describing colleagues
In this lesson you will learn how to describe colleagues and people at work using a variety of adjectives and expressions.
60 min
Working hours
In this lesson you will read an article about pros and cons of Sweden's six-hour work day. The 5-page worksheet includes a grammar activity on reported speech.
60 min
Your company
In this lesson you will listen to an employee being interviewed about her company. They then practise using the questions and key vocabulary from the dialogue to talk about their own companies.
60 min
Office equipment and supplies
In this lesson you will learn key vocabulary for office stationery, supplies and equipment. The worksheet includes a speaking activity and several image-based exercises.
60 min
In this lesson you will learn how to describe graphs using simple verb and adverb combinations in the past simple. The worksheet also includes an exercise on describing pie charts using quantifiers (most ..., a quarter of ..., 10 percent of ..., etc.)
60 min
Taking a break
In this lesson you will read an article about how skipping lunch can affect productivity and wellbeing in the workplace. The worksheet includes an activity on the use of can/can't for talking about ability and possibility.
60 min
Leading Questions
Achieving a ‘yes’ is a challenge for many salespeople when using a second language. This unit will look at leading questions that help move a conversation in the direction of getting the customer to see the value of a product or service.
60 min
Setting an appointment
Setting an appointment is a very important skill in the corporate world. In this lesson, you will learn the basic expressions you need to master to be able to set an appointment over the telephone.,Setting an appointment is a very important skill in the corporate world. In this lesson, you will learn the basic expressions you need to master to be able to set an appointment through the telephone.
60 min
Expressing and asking for opinions
Facilitating meetings does not prevent you from participating in the discussion and offering your own opinions. However, you must also be adept at eliciting others' feedback and opinions for a more productive outcome to your meetings.
60 min
Post Training Assessment
This is the final lesson of your training program. You will discuss your achievements, the progress you have made and look at points that you could work on in the future.
30 min
First Lesson
This is the first lesson with your trainer! The goal in this lesson is to go over your needs and get to know one another.
30 min
At home
In this lesson you will learn how to describe household chores and different rooms in their homes.
60 min
Bright ideas
In this lesson you will read about UK businessman Richard Branson's ideas. The worksheet includes a grammar exercise on defining relative clauses with 'who', 'which', 'that', 'whose' and 'where'.
60 min
Everyday expressions
In this short lesson you will learn 9 typical English social expressions.
60 min
Mobile phones - Cell phones
In this lesson you will learn useful words and phrases for talking about their mobile devices.
60 min
Money vocabulary
In this lesson you will learn and practise a variety of vocabulary related to money and value.
60 min
Discussion Lesson
The "Discussion lesson" is oriented towards oral expression and comprehension. The subjects can be defined before or during the lesson.
60 min
Describing colleagues
In this lesson you will learn how to describe colleagues and people at work using a variety of adjectives and expressions.
60 min
Working hours
In this lesson you will read an article about pros and cons of Sweden's six-hour work day. The 5-page worksheet includes a grammar activity on reported speech.
60 min
Your company
In this lesson you will listen to an employee being interviewed about her company. They then practise using the questions and key vocabulary from the dialogue to talk about their own companies.
60 min
Post Training Assessment
This is the final lesson of your training program. You will discuss your achievements, the progress you have made and look at points that you could work on in the future.
30 min
First Lesson
This is the first lesson with your trainer! The goal in this lesson is to go over your needs and get to know one another.
30 min
Coffee personality
In this well-rounded lesson you will read a short article on how people's coffee drinking preferences determine their personality traits. A number of adjectives for describing character are introduced, and comparative and superlative forms are studied in the grammar part of the lesson.
60 min
Informal emails
In this lesson you will learn how to write informal emails. The worksheet presents a variety of typical words and expressions used when greeting someone in an email, writing pleasantries, attaching files, etc.
60 min
Photo story
In this lesson you will listen to Kate talking about her Facebook photos and study the past continuous tense.
60 min
In this lesson you will read a short article on the perception of British culture according to expats living in Britain. The passive voice is studied in the grammar part of the lesson.
60 min
Career advice
In this lesson you will read an article about the phrases that they should avoid using in their careers. The worksheet includes a grammar exercise on should/shouldn't + infinitive for giving advice and expressing expectation.
60 min
Living at work
In this lesson you will read about the lifestyle of certain Google employees who have reportedly been living on the company's premises. The worksheet includes several vocabulary exercises.
60 min
Password advice
In this lesson you will read an article about how to choose a password according to advice from the UK's spying agency GCHQ. The grammar section of the worksheet looks at verb patterns with the infinitive and gerund.
60 min
Time management
In this lesson you will learn and use vocabulary connected with time management. Look at tips on how to prioritise tasks.
60 min
Work and pay
This lesson plan covers vocabulary for talking about work pay. There are exercises on salary collocations, work benefits and how to read a payslip.
60 min
Post Training Assessment
This is the final lesson of your training program. You will discuss your achievements, the progress you have made and look at points that you could work on in the future.
30 min
Discussion Lesson
The "Discussion lesson" is oriented towards oral expression and comprehension. The subjects can be defined before or during the lesson.
30 min
First Lesson
This is the first lesson with your trainer! The goal in this lesson is to go over your needs and get to know one another.
30 min
Birth or upbringing
The theme of this lesson is what makes a successful businessman. Read an article that discusses whether entrepreneurs are born with certain character traits or develop the necessary skills and mindset. Vocabulary for describing entrepreneurial activity and personality is studied.
60 min
Selling air
Read an article about a Canadian company that has been cashing in on China's pollution crisis. The worksheet includes a two-part grammar exercise on infinitive clauses.
60 min
Side jobs
Read an article about the trend in the UK to have more than one job or business. Exercises focus on key words, phrases, and collocations.
60 min
The economy
In this lesson you will learn and practise vocabulary related to the economy.
60 min
The next emerging market
The theme of this lesson is international investment. Read an article about the investment potential of Iraq and study vocabulary related to infrastructure and development.
60 min
Learn key branding vocabulary with this lesson. There is also a listening activity on the brand Nike.
60 min
Business phrasal verbs
This lively lesson presents 16 common phrasal verbs used in business. These business English phrasal verbs are presented in their natural context.
60 min
Describing workers
This lesson is a great way to develop your ability to talk about people’s personality and character traits at work. The lesson presents a variety of adjectives for describing qualities and flaws, as well as additional expressions for describing typical office personalities.
60 min
Diplomatic language
This lesson teaches you how to avoid causing offence by expressing yourself in a more tactful, diplomatic way. After studying a variety of adjectives for describing different attitudes, you will learn how to use special ‘softening’ structures through reading, language practice.
60 min
Post Training Assessment
This is the final lesson of your training program. You will discuss your achievements, the progress you have made and look at points that you could work on in the future.
30 min
First Lesson
This is the first lesson with your trainer! The goal in this lesson is to go over your needs and get to know one another.
30 min
This lesson teaches useful words and phrases for describing banking products and services including types of bank accounts, loans, payment methods and foreign exchange. Learn how to exchange money from one currency to another, pay in and withdraw cash, enquire about their bank balance and check your overdraft limit.
60 min
Food and drink
Learn and practise vocabulary related to food and drink.
60 min
Learning languages
In this lesson learn vocabulary related to learning languages. The target language includes words and expressions for describing features of languages and useful questions for asking about words.
60 min
Vacation or holiday?
Confused by American and British English vocabulary? Here are some common differences.
60 min
At the clothes shop
This lesson teaches common words and expressions for describing clothes (in British and American English), clothing material and shopping for clothes.
60 min
At the hospital
This lesson presents words and expressions for describing different ailments and injuries as well as hospital wards and staff. The worksheet ends with a dialogue-aided exercise in which you can listen to a hospital patient discussing her problem with a doctor. 
60 min
At the restaurant
This lesson teaches common words and expressions for describing food and drink, restaurant service and parts of meals. Through listening learn how to order a meal in a restaurant as well as discuss menu options with a guest and decide who to pay.
60 min
Visiting the dentist
In this lesson you will learn a variety of words and expressions for describing dental equipment and communicating with a dentist in English.
60 min
Discussion Lesson
The "Discussion lesson" is oriented towards oral expression and comprehension. The subjects can be defined before or during the lesson.
60 min
Post Training Assessment
This is the final lesson of your training program. You will discuss your achievements, the progress you have made and look at points that you could work on in the future.
30 min
First Lesson
This is the first lesson with your trainer! The goal in this lesson is to go over your needs and get to know one another.
30 min
Crazy idea
The theme of this 6-page worksheet is the migrant crisis in Europe. Read about an Egyptian billionaire who wants to accommodate desperate refugees on two privately-owned Greek islands.
60 min
In this lesson learn some common adjectives for describing a tourist destination.
60 min
The universe
In this lesson you will learn and use vocabulary connected with the universe. There is a short text on the universe and a vocabulary exercise on things that happen in space. The lesson finishes with an activity on comparing different things. 
60 min
War and conflict
In this lesson you will learn vocabulary related to war, conflict and terrorism. The worksheet includes several discussion activities.
60 min
Learn key branding vocabulary with this lesson. There is also a listening activity on the brand Nike.
60 min
Business phrasal verbs
This lively lesson presents 16 common phrasal verbs used in business. These business English phrasal verbs are presented in their natural context.
60 min
Describing workers
This lesson is a great way to develop your ability to talk about people’s personality and character traits at work. The lesson presents a variety of adjectives for describing qualities and flaws, as well as additional expressions for describing typical office personalities.
60 min
Diplomatic language
This lesson teaches you how to avoid causing offence by expressing yourself in a more tactful, diplomatic way. After studying a variety of adjectives for describing different attitudes, you will learn how to use special ‘softening’ structures through reading, language practice.
60 min
Discussion Lesson
The "Discussion lesson" is oriented towards oral expression and comprehension. The subjects can be defined before or during the lesson.
60 min
Post Training Assessment
This is the final lesson of your training program. You will discuss your achievements, the progress you have made and look at points that you could work on in the future.
30 min
First Lesson
This is the first lesson with your trainer! The goal in this lesson is to go over your needs and get to know one another.
30 min
Business idioms
Learn 13 common idioms used in Business English.
60 min
Chairing meetings
This lesson teaches useful expressions for those who need to chair meetings in English. After studying vocabulary for describing the skills and roles of a chairperson, listen to a dialogue in which the managers of a language training centre discuss their company’s advertising strategy. Key expressions used by the chairperson of the meeting are studied.
60 min
Small talk
This lesson teaches expressions and techniques for making conversation. Study vocabulary for describing different types of social interaction as well as typical conversation openers and responses.
60 min
In this lesson you will learn a variety of verbs and idioms for describing the way somebody speaks.
60 min
Back to work
This lesson looks at the benefits of working at home compared with office work. Read an article about Yahoo!'s controversial decision to ban staff from working remotely.
60 min
Flexible working and gender roles
Read about the benefits and drawbacks of flexible working for men and women in the UK workforce. The lesson focuses on vocabulary, reading comprehension and speaking.
60 min
Leadership and management
Learn words and phrases related to leadership and being a manager. Read an article about what makes a good manager and practise vocabulary for positive and negative leadership qualities. Also learn management verbs.
60 min
Managing a phone call
Learn how to manage a phone conversation in English. Vocabulary for describing telephone behaviour is studied. Listen to a phone call and study the expressions used to direct and change the topic of the conversation.
60 min
Stereotypes and the older worker
Read an article about the misconceptions people have about older workers. Complete comprehension activities plus exercises on key vocabulary.
60 min
Post Training Assessment
This is the final lesson of your training program. You will discuss your achievements, the progress you have made and look at points that you could work on in the future.
30 min
First Lesson
This is the first lesson with your trainer! The goal in this lesson is to go over your needs and get to know one another.
30 min
Chatting and small talk
This lesson introduces idioms and common social expressions used for gossiping, confiding in other people and making small talk. Study the use of question tags in making conversation and role play a variety of situations using the expressions and structures from the lesson.
60 min
Making friends
In this lesson you will learn useful phrasal vocabulary for talking about yourself and getting to know other people. Through listening and practise asking about someone’s background, work, leisure interests, etc. using a variety of tenses. .
60 min
Meeting people
This lesson teaches common expressions for meeting people. Learn how to introduce yourself and greet other people in both formal and informal situations.
60 min
At the dentist
In this dialogue-aided lesson learn a variety of terms for describing dental equipment and dental procedures as well as useful expressions for communicating with a dentist in English.
60 min
At the gym
This video-aided lesson covers a variety of useful terms and expressions for describing gym equipment and work-out exercises.
60 min
At the hairdresser
Learn words and phrases to use when they are getting a haircut. Exercises cover hairstyles, hairdresser’s equipment and extras for your hair. The lesson finishes with the dialogue between a hairdresser and her customer.
60 min
At the vet
Learn useful vocabulary for pet health problems, veterinary equipment and duties. The lesson includes an interview with a vet talking about the pros and cons of the job.
60 min
Phrasal verbs in business
This lesson introduces 18 common phrasal verbs used in a business context. These phrasal verbs are presented in their natural context.
60 min
Phrasal verbs with be
The lesson presents 12 common phrasal verbs with the verb 'be'.
60 min
Post Training Assessment
This is the final lesson of your training program. You will discuss your achievements, the progress you have made and look at points that you could work on in the future.
30 min
First Lesson
This is the first lesson with your trainer! The goal in this lesson is to go over your needs and get to know one another.
30 min
This lesson teaches useful vocabulary for talking about competition in business. Listen to a talk about the rivalry between Burger King and McDonald’s, learn collocations with the word ‘competition’ and study competition idioms.
60 min
Ethical chocolate
The theme of this lesson is business ethics. Read an article about a UK chocolate company called Montezuma’s, whose founders decided to put ethics at the heart of their business. The lesson introduces a number of common phrasal verbs, which are studied and practised.
60 min
From bust to boom
The theme of this lesson is what makes a country attractive to potential investors. Read about the investment potential of Germany and learn a variety of important terms for describing a nation’s economy.
60 min
This lesson is based on an article about 'mumpreneurs' -- women who combine being a mother with running a business. The lesson comprises of reading, speaking and vocabulary activities, including an exercise on phrasal verbs.
60 min
Starting and running a small business
Study and use general vocabulary connected to running small businesses in this lesson plan. There are activities on the reasons to start a small business, the steps you need to take before you open a small business, and what needs to be done to keep it running.
60 min
Holiday myths
In this lesson you will read an article on ‘holiday myths’ – common misconceptions about holiday risks and dangers. Study vocabulary for talking about first-aid and hygiene.
60 min
Solo travel
In this lesson you will read an article about how people are increasingly travelling alone, according to a recent UK survey. The lesson focuses on reading, vocabulary development and speaking.
60 min
The topic of this lesson is driving. Read an article on the opinions of British travellers on taxi drivers around the world and learn vocabulary for describing driving technique as well as British and American English terms for different road features. The differences between the gerund and infinitive forms in two-verb structures are reviewed and practised.
60 min
Travel and holidays
In this lesson you will learn and practise vocabulary related to travel and holidays.
60 min
Post Training Assessment
This is the final lesson of your training program. You will discuss your achievements, the progress you have made and look at points that you could work on in the future.
30 min
  • Test de niveau et test de profil d'apprentissage
  • Choisissez votre rythme de formation, votre durée de cours (cours de 15 à 90 minutes), puis sélectionnez vos objectifs professionnels
  • Choisissez votre parcours de formation
    - Maîtriser la communication professionnelle
    - Communiquer en situations professionnelles
    - Gestion des ressources humaines
    - Gestion de projet
    - Management interculturel
    - Parcours affaires internationales
    - Négociation et vente
    - Stratégie et marketing international
    - Communiquer en entreprise
    - Améliorer ses présentations et gérer ses réunions
  • Découvrez nos différents types de cours : cours structurés, conversation, supports multimédia, documents de votre choix
  • Choisissez votre ou vos formateur(s) en quelques clics : accès CV, compétences, présentation vidéo, et changez selon vos envies
  • Planifiez vos cours de manière rapide et flexible : vous réservez vos cours selon vos disponibilités
  • Évaluation des besoins (Needs Assessment)
  • Consultez les comptes-rendus de cours rédigés par votre formateur

  • Créez votre e-program intelligent grâce à notre algorithme à travers de nombreuses thématiques et compétences précises s'adaptant à votre niveau, vos besoins, votre métier, vos centres d'intérêts et votre secteur d'activité
  • Validez votre progression grâce à nos séries de quiz et nos examens blancs
  • Accédez à une multitude de template d'e-mails
  • Enrichissez votre vocabulaire et ajoutez des mots à votre liste de favoris
  • Accès illimité à nos classes virtuelles (cours en mini groupes) : des cours d'anglais général et/ ou professionnel classés par niveau

  • Test de niveau de fin de formation
  • Certification incluse

  • Par téléphone, mail, chat
Modalités / Pré-requis
  • Niveau minimum requis : A2
  • Connexion internet et webcam
  • Formation déployée 11 jours ouvrés après votre inscription (délai réglementaire du CPF)
Résultats La passation de la Certification CLOE est obligatoire en fin de formation. En vous inscrivant, vous vous engagez à réaliser les deux parties de l'évaluation :

Première partie (en ligne avec surveillance asynchrone) : Vous répondrez à un questionnaire adaptatif de 50 questions visant à mesurer votre capacité à :
  • Identifier et utiliser un vocabulaire courant ou professionnel adapté au contexte
  • Maîtriser les principales structures grammaticales nécessaires pour construire des phrases cohérentes et de complexité variée
  • Identifier et utiliser des expressions de la vie courante ou professionnelle
  • Comprendre un court texte et en dégager le sens global et des détails spécifiques
  • Comprendre un énoncé, des instructions ou des questions d'un interlocuteur parlant la langue cible

Seconde partie (entretien oral par visioconférence) : Sur rendez-vous, cette évaluation inclut un dialogue, une ou plusieurs mises en situation professionnelle, et une discussion autour d'un thème professionnel ou spécifique à votre domaine d'activité. Cet entretien permet de mesurer votre capacité à :
  • Employer un vocabulaire courant ou professionnel adapté à la situation de communication
  • Maîtriser les principales structures grammaticales nécessaires pour construire des phrases cohérentes et de complexité variée
  • Communiquer de façon naturelle à l'oral
  • Se faire comprendre avec une prononciation claire
  • Développer l'interaction et le dialogue

Obtention du certificat : Pour obtenir le certificat, le niveau A2 est requis, mais un objectif plus élevé peut être fixé en fonction de votre projet professionnel.
Financements possibles

au titre des catégories d'actions suivantes : Actions de formation